Convert your Instagram Followers with your link in bio
You know how to attract followers but you’re not sure how to convert them. Cool, we’ve got you covered.
Turning your likes into sales isn’t as hard as you may think, as long as you know how to optimize your instagram’s profile bio, specifically the link in bio. So we’re going to walk you through the most important steps here.
Optimize your bio with a link in bio tool
Your link in bio is an important component to having an optimized profile on instagram. This is where you are going to drive your audience and monetize your account. We love using a tool like STAN.STORE. Katelyn has her set up like this. As you can see from the link, Katelyn is driving traffic to dedicated pages. This helps her audience identify specific services and products more easily, versus just sending them to her website where they could easily get lost.
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Why use a link in bio tool?
Instagram only allows ONE link to be put in your bio. A link in bio tools allow you to bypass the one-link rule on Instagram and send followers to the pages and products you want to promote. These tools help you link to more content without needing to swap out that one link every time you have something new to promote.
Here’s a video to walk you through how a link in bio tool works and how Katelyn has her links set up efficiently to drive more traffic.
To make the most of your social content and drive traffic to where it matters, you need more than a single link in your Instagram bio. Create campaigns that drive traffic and engage your audience by using a tool.
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